{ "culture": "en-CH", "name": "laonatess2015_2020_change", "guid": "5CBB857B-A855-43A0-A77B-B70BD295741B", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Ecosystem service change (indicating a trend) between 2015 and 2020. Unit: Normalized values per village and hectare.", "description": "

Methods / Lineage:<\/span><\/span><\/p>

Each ecosystem service was calculated based on the national LULC 2015 and 2020. Then absolute units per village and hectare were normalized for each ecosystem service using a min-max normalization approach. The normalized ecosystem service outputs of 2015 were subtracted from the outputs of 2020. This was done for all ecosystem services<\/span>. The model output was aggregated for each village. Village tract boundaries were taken from <\/span>Decide K4D <\/span><\/a>and do not represent official boundaries. <\/span><\/p>

Relevant Fields:<\/span><\/span><\/p>