{ "culture": "en-CH", "name": "laonatlus2020_landcover_for_ess", "guid": "37D83718-9E23-404E-BC30-CF0BFC11A28B", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Percent shares of three key LULCs/landscape types (i.e. urban and intense agriculture, extensive small-scale agriculture, natural land covers and habitats, as well as nodata) within each village (percent per village). Landscape types are considered auxiliary background information for interpretation of ES supply trade-offs, differences, etc.", "description": "

Methods / Lineage:<\/span><\/p>

National LULC including the national Land Concession Inventory (LCI) data was aggregated to three key land use land cover categories (i.e. urban and intense agriculture, extensive small-scale agriculture, natural land covers and habitats, as well as nodata). <\/span><\/p>

Relevant Fields:<\/span><\/p>