{ "allowGeometryUpdates": true, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds": false, "maxRecordCount": 2000, "description": "Methods / Lineage:1. Compilation and creation of various types of points of interest inside Nam Tien PPF and adjacent areas such as schools, dam, security infrastructure, recreational sites, processing facilities etc. Information sources include CDEs field visits in 2023, google imagery, FALUPAM data and interviews with local stakeholders.Relevant Fields:name_eng: name of the feature (English)name_lao: name of the feature (Lao)Code: unique code for the feature type (though not following any common coding system)Spatial Reference System:EPSG 32648 (WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48N)Point of Contact:Rasso Bernhard (rassobernhard@gmail.com), Patrick Oswald (patrick.oswald@cde-regions.net)Quality Limitations:The points of interest are a selection of potentially relevant features to the Nam Tien solution scape. Those features are by no means complete, include very different types such as settlement locations, infrastructure points, topographic features such as hills, etc. Esp. outside the Nam Tien PPF boundaries features are incomplete. The names are best-guess names, incomplete and mixing type and name or are missing altogether.", "units": "esriMeters", "maxViewsCount": 20, "syncEnabled": false, "tables": [], "hasVersionedData": false, "supportedAppendSourceFilterFormats": "featureService", "hasViews": true, "layerOverridesEnabled": true, "supportsRelationshipsResource": true, "layers": [ { "name": "laoxaiinf2023_poiNamTien_cde", "id": 71, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint", "serviceItemId": "2020cd922d7a41a6ba43f9397c1a11b8" } ], "GUIDFormat": "O", "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 32647, "wkid": 32647 }, "fullExtent": { "ymin": 2023103.4056000002, "xmin": 758450.5676999995, "ymax": 2140495.6378000006, "xmax": 786157.9506000001, "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 32647, "wkid": 32647 } }, "enableZDefaults": true, "allowUpdateWithoutMValues": true, "isLocationTrackingService": false, "supportedExportFormats": "sqlite,filegdb,shapefile,csv,geojson", "capabilities": "Query", "supportsAppend": true, "supportsDisconnectedEditing": false, "sourceSchemaChangesAllowed": true, "supportsSyncModelNone": true, "supportedAppendFormats": "shapefile,featureCollection,featureService", "supportsReturnDeleteResults": true, "currentVersion": 11.3, "advancedEditingCapabilities": { "supportsAsyncApplyEdits": true, "supportsApplyEditsbyUploadID": true, "supportsReturnEditResults": true, "supportedApplyEditsUploadIDFormats": "JSON" }, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON", "initialExtent": { "ymin": 2121237.948263535, "xmin": 772304.3743515111, "ymax": 2134892.620946881, "xmax": 788486.3433104701, "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 32647, "wkid": 32647 } }, "serviceDescription": "", "editorTrackingInfo": { "allowOthersToUpdate": true, "enableEditorTracking": false, "allowOthersToDelete": false, "allowOthersToQuery": true, "enableOwnershipAccessControl": false }, "hasSyncEnabledViews": false, "copyrightText": "Bernhard, R. (2023): Points of Interest in Nam Tien PPF and adjacent areas, CDE & Wyss.", "zDefault": 0, "supportsLayerOverrides": true, "serviceItemId": "2020cd922d7a41a6ba43f9397c1a11b8" }