{ "allowGeometryUpdates": true, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds": false, "maxRecordCount": 2000, "description": "Methods / Lineage:\n Primarily created by on-screen digitizing of Google and Pleiades\n January/February 2023 imagery and enhanced with mid-2023 Planet Scope imagery\n and field data by CDE Laos (Rasso Bernhard).\n Identification of bushland fallow involved cross-referencing bare ground\n imagery from previous years for tree-covered areas in 2023. Identification of\n forest types mainly achieved by comparing dry and wet season Planet\n imagery.\n FALUPAM classification schema available at: https://www.phakhaolao.la/sites/default/files/public/publications/attachments/PFALUPAM%20Manual_Full%20Version_English.pdf\n \n Relevant Fields:\n type_id: FALUPAM Tier 1 Land Use/Land Cover class\n type_lao: Tier 1 Land Use/Land Cover class name in Lao\n type_eng: Tier 1 Land Use/Land Cover class name in English\n cat_id: FALUPAM Tier 2 Land Use/Land Cover class/category\n cat_lao: Tier 2 Land Use/Land Cover class/category name in Lao\n cat_eng: Tier 2 Land Use/Land Cover class/category name in English\n SubCat_id: FALUPAM Tier 3 Land Use/Land Cover class/sub-category\n subcat_lao: Tier 3 Land Use/Land Cover class/sub-category name in Lao\n subcat_eng: Tier 3 Land Use/Land Cover class/sub-category name in\n English\n tenure: current land user and/or entity holding claiming land tenure\n rights\n 1 = Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC) concession area\n 2 = Chinese entrepreneurs (long term lease)\n 3 = Chinese entrepreneurs (short term/wet season lease from local\n (4))\n 4 = others (small holders, military, local investors)\n 5 = Provincial authorities??\n 0 = not applicable / no agricultural land\n Spatial Reference System:EPSG 32648 (WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48N)\n Point of Contact:\n Rasso Bernhard (rassobernhard@gmail.com)\n Patrick Oswald (patrick.oswald@cde-regions.net)\n \n Quality Limitations:\n FALUPAM classification is ideal when a thorough participatory land use\n mapping process is undertaken with villagers. However, as this dataset\n creation relies mainly on on-screen digitizing of high-resolution satellite\n imagery, with minimal field data, the detailed Tier 3 classification may be\n susceptible to digitizer bias and limitations in imagery. This can pose\n challenges in accurately identifying and distinguishing certain crop, fallow,\n and forest types.", "units": "esriMeters", "maxViewsCount": 20, "syncEnabled": false, "tables": [], "hasVersionedData": false, "supportedAppendSourceFilterFormats": "featureService", "hasViews": true, "layerOverridesEnabled": true, "supportsRelationshipsResource": true, "layers": [ { "name": "laoxailus2023_lulcNamTienPPF2023_cdeWyss2023", "id": 41, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "serviceItemId": "22a5cdd2bdde4aa09b1ef95e37b78bf4" } ], "GUIDFormat": "O", "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 32647, "wkid": 32647 }, "fullExtent": { "ymin": 2123876.521400001, "xmin": 772772.6026999997, "ymax": 2132860.2907999996, "xmax": 780758.5157000003, "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 32647, "wkid": 32647 } }, "enableZDefaults": true, "allowUpdateWithoutMValues": true, "isLocationTrackingService": false, "supportedExportFormats": "sqlite,filegdb,shapefile,csv,geojson", "capabilities": "Query", "supportsAppend": true, "supportsDisconnectedEditing": false, "sourceSchemaChangesAllowed": true, "supportsSyncModelNone": true, "supportedAppendFormats": "shapefile,featureCollection,featureService", "supportsReturnDeleteResults": true, "currentVersion": 11.3, "advancedEditingCapabilities": { "supportsAsyncApplyEdits": true, "supportsApplyEditsbyUploadID": true, "supportsReturnEditResults": true, "supportedApplyEditsUploadIDFormats": "JSON" }, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON", "initialExtent": { "ymin": 2124546.3891051305, "xmin": 775219.7046872893, "ymax": 2131127.385698144, "xmax": 778996.5482712955, "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 32647, "wkid": 32647 } }, "serviceDescription": "", "editorTrackingInfo": { "allowOthersToUpdate": true, "enableEditorTracking": false, "allowOthersToDelete": false, "allowOthersToQuery": true, "enableOwnershipAccessControl": false }, "hasSyncEnabledViews": false, "copyrightText": "CC BY 4.0 DEED, Attribution 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) CDE & Wyss Academy for Nature (2023)\nSuggested citation: Rasso Bernhard, et al. (2023): Detailed Land Use Land Cover of Nam Tien Provincial Protection Forest in 2023.", "zDefault": 0, "supportsLayerOverrides": true, "serviceItemId": "22a5cdd2bdde4aa09b1ef95e37b78bf4" }