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"algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 129, 227, 79, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 129, 227, 79, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 143, 184, 132, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 143, 184, 132, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 138, 184, 112, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 138, 184, 112, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 89, 173, 55, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 89, 173, 55, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 99, 224, 76, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 99, 224, 76, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 135, 179, 114, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 135, 179, 114, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 82, 212, 68, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 82, 212, 68, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 127, 173, 99, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 127, 173, 99, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 176, 240, 149, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 176, 240, 149, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 129, 194, 120, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 129, 194, 120, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 128, 217, 113, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 128, 217, 113, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 163, 207, 157, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 163, 207, 157, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 142, 204, 135, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 142, 204, 135, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 94, 217, 80, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 94, 217, 80, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 103, 212, 78, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 103, 212, 78, 255 ], "type": 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"esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 88, 189, 42, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 88, 189, 42, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 183, 237, 147, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 183, 237, 147, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 114, 237, 95, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 114, 237, 95, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 131, 194, 109, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 131, 194, 109, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 123, 191, 109, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 123, 191, 109, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 183, 245, 169, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 183, 245, 169, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 116, 196, 86, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 116, 196, 86, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 189, 219, 173, 255 ], 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